miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016


  •  In this project Maria and I are working on what Xabi told us to do: aresearch explaining te changes that climate has suffered both in our area and in any area of our choice. After talking about it, we have decided to compare the differences on the climate changes between Spain and China. 
  • We have been looking many Scientifical Articles published in the net so we could do a proper research. We have found articles on Climate Change due to greenhouse effects in China, Recent and Future Climate Changes in Northwest China, The Role of Insitutions, Greenhouse Gases Inventory or Climate Change Projections for the Mediterranean Area among many others. Now, we have to go through this huge amount of information and draw our own conclussion. 
  • At first, we thought it would be a great idea to compare the climate changes in San Sebastian and Beijing, but it wasn't until after having started to look up information that we found out that there was very little info available. That's why we opted to look into more general areas such us China, Spain or even the Mediterranean Area. Of course, both Maria and I joint to work so we could get as much data as possible. 
  • Honestly, I must admit that we had no problem when it came to searching info or even rewriting it. It took us quite a long time to finish it off but we handled it well.

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