viernes, 20 de mayo de 2016

My work this term

My main work was to do a research, which I carried out and trabslated with the help of Maria.

On top of that, I helped Oihane with her wallpainting, I went with both Jonan and Oihane to talk in front of 3rd level students, I took part in the games Jonan organised, I prepared and organised the tick, tack toe game for 1st level students and many more. I also helped Jonan to organise the mosaic, what in the end turned out to be a failure, but at least we tried.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

What is Europe for me?

After having thought about it for a while, I've come to a clear conclusion: Europe means nothing to me. I see it as nothing but a piece of land that is governed only by money.