viernes, 20 de mayo de 2016

My work this term

My main work was to do a research, which I carried out and trabslated with the help of Maria.

On top of that, I helped Oihane with her wallpainting, I went with both Jonan and Oihane to talk in front of 3rd level students, I took part in the games Jonan organised, I prepared and organised the tick, tack toe game for 1st level students and many more. I also helped Jonan to organise the mosaic, what in the end turned out to be a failure, but at least we tried.

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

What is Europe for me?

After having thought about it for a while, I've come to a clear conclusion: Europe means nothing to me. I see it as nothing but a piece of land that is governed only by money.

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016


  •  In this project Maria and I are working on what Xabi told us to do: aresearch explaining te changes that climate has suffered both in our area and in any area of our choice. After talking about it, we have decided to compare the differences on the climate changes between Spain and China. 
  • We have been looking many Scientifical Articles published in the net so we could do a proper research. We have found articles on Climate Change due to greenhouse effects in China, Recent and Future Climate Changes in Northwest China, The Role of Insitutions, Greenhouse Gases Inventory or Climate Change Projections for the Mediterranean Area among many others. Now, we have to go through this huge amount of information and draw our own conclussion. 
  • At first, we thought it would be a great idea to compare the climate changes in San Sebastian and Beijing, but it wasn't until after having started to look up information that we found out that there was very little info available. That's why we opted to look into more general areas such us China, Spain or even the Mediterranean Area. Of course, both Maria and I joint to work so we could get as much data as possible. 
  • Honestly, I must admit that we had no problem when it came to searching info or even rewriting it. It took us quite a long time to finish it off but we handled it well.

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

The constest: working proccess

As my part consists of doing research, I must admit that I am not having many difficulties when finding information. As we live in the Internet era finding information and doing research is much easier than what it would be twenty years ago. We are a click away from a world of information!

So far I have already found a couple of really interesting scientific researches which I still need to go through again and reorganise information. I expect to have my part done by next thursday. We'll see how it turns out!

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016


This third term my classmates and I are going to take part in a contest  where we have to organise different activities and prepare some documents on climatic change. I really think thius is a great chance to learn more on it, despite having heard about thousands of times.

Maria and I have to do research on the climatic differences between Europe and another country or geographical area. The idea would be to compare analyse how climate has changed through the last years in each of the areas chosen and then compare them to each other in order to see how climate change affects different geograqphical areas in the world.

 We still haven't decided which two places we are going to focus on, but San Sebastian and Beijing are strong candidates! This far we have already found some useful information on how CO2 emitions have afected chinese climate and, therefore, lifestyle.

I would really apreciate it if any of my mates sent me any piece of information he or she found and thought could be useful for my task. I think it's not much of an effort for them and would make things much easier for me. Thank you lads!

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016

3rd term

The last term we worked on different aspects of health, health systems and alternative ways of healthcare. However, the third term we will take part in a kind of competition where we have to talk about climate change and how Europe is facing it. I hope to learn something about it and, of course, to win the competition.

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016


Currently, there is a huge controversy on whether european countries should welcome refugees or not. There can be many reasons why a person would be willing to leave his or her country, but, as I see it, there is none as cruel as having to escape from war or political repression.

In cases such as syrian refugees, it's hard to see how after having been forced to leave their country due to war, the very same countries which have created the war they are escaping from denies them political asylum. 

Some people may argue that the amount of refugees currently flooding into Europe are too high. Plus, these "refugees" aren't just trying to take refuge in any country, they are deliberately aiming for countries who will give them welfare and advantages, like Germany and UK. Even though this may be true, how could these countries deny them the entry when they are the principal causes for their moving?

First of all, UK colonalised Syria, creating a state of injustice and inequality. After leaving the country, UK established a regime that only represented a minority of the syrian pupulation, so that already creates a conflict. Afterwards, countries such as the USA financing Arabia Saudi, the main source of incomes for the Islamic State and the terrorists. Indirectly, rich countries are giving terrorists arms, money and training, what has lead to a civil war in Syria.
So, lets think about it again... Europe conquers land which doesn't belong to them, stablishes a regime that only represent a minority of the population, create a conflict feeding terrorists, so that many people have no other option than moving to Europe, and them european countries don't welcome them as they find them a problem... Where is justice in our culture? 

After having done all that harm on their own country, we must at least be charitable with them, and of course, try to find out a solution for the subject.